While we often write in isolation, we are also part of a community of writers rich in wisdom. This page is dedicated to helping young writers tap into the resources that may widen their perspective, give them a leg up, or simply inspire.
Lukeman, Noah - The First Five Pages
Maass, Donald - The Fire in Fiction
McKee, Robert - Story
Peck, Richard - Invitations to the World
Pressfield, Steven - The War of Art
See, Carolyn - Making a Literary Life
Stiefvater, Gratton, & Yovanoff - The Curiosities
Strunk & White - The Elements of Style
Ueland, Brenda - If You Want to Write
Vogler, Christopher - The Writer's Journey
Ackerman & Puglisi - The Emotion Thesaurus
Bernays & Painter - What If?
Bettelheim, Bruno - The Uses of Enchantment
Bradbury, Ray - Zen in the Art of Writing
Cron, Lisa - Story Genius
Dillard, Annie - The Writing Life
Gilbert, Elizabeth - Big Magic
Goldberg, Natalie - Writing Down the Bones
Henderson, Kathy - Market Guide for Young Writers
King, Stephen - On Writing
Lamott, Anne - Bird by Bird
“Writers must labor from a vague feeling, usually some large, old emotion, and in so laboring, come to understand the qualities of that feeling, and the source of it, and the reason they still feel it. That effort is practiced in a place typically insulated from even the idea of publication, and it depends upon a combination of exerting and relaxing one’s will over the writing.”